Namecheap hosting is a website hosting and domain reservation company that has proven its development and success in the field of hosting small and medium sites if not among the best sites. However, it is one of the companies that provide good services at cheap prices and was ranked among the cheapest foreign web hosting companies.

On the blessing of God, we begin with a detailed explanation

This review has compiled the advantages and disadvantages of Namecheap hosting and why some users prefer to purchase Namecheap hosting, so come with us we watch the Namecheap hosting explanation and explanation in detail in the following lines.

Namecheap hosting offers 3 shared hosting packages and 3 WordPress hosting packages.

Namecheap free domain
Namecheap hosting offers free domain when purchasing hosting, and one of the advantages that you provide with the domain is privacy and protection of domain-specific information such as the domain owner’s name and the date of his subscription renewal, thus ensuring more security for the user. Also, it still offers a domain purchase offer for less than $ 1.

Free SSL certificate
To support the site from search engines, the site needs to obtain an SSL certificate, and some hosting companies provide it for a fee in addition to the value of hosting, but one of the advantages of Namecheap is the installation of SSL for free with hosting.

Technical support service
One of the advantages that must be available in hosting companies that you want to contract with is the presence of technical support to solve any problem facing the customer. And this hosting provided technical support through Live Chat on its website in addition to the Help desk system on its website with the most important questions and problems facing the customer and the solution of these problems.

You can get a domain or hosting, as you wish, with very simple steps. For your information, there is a very attractive discount, which is a 99/100 discount on the following domains: .store … Special offer for a limited time Coupon link below the explanation.

And now we explain how to buy a domain. The first thing after switching to a domain purchase site is writing a domain name that is not owned, especially if you search on the .com domain. For example, you cannot buy a domain for because it is owned by Mark 🙂

We will now introduce the method of reserving the hudatrip domain. Then we click on the search button.

If you are interested

Ways to profit from the Internet are many and different, but we will try to provide you with the best tools and sites that help you to collect money, God willing, we have explained many ways and in detail so please see the articles and follow us on social media to receive all new.

We recommend that you read the following article: The most powerful ways to earn money

Now, as you can see, it appears that the domain is not owned, the price of the .com domain is $ 8.88.

Or domain, we find that the amount is only 1.2$ ………..

Of course, you can choose a domain according to your choice and which niche you will specialize in

For explanation only, we will purchase the domain, we will click on add to cart

Now that the domain name has been added to the shopping cart, suggestions and additions appear to us that we can add to buy it, like hosting, vpn or other.

We will complete the purchase of Aldwimn only for the purpose of reducing the explanation, now we can control the period of buying the domain from 1 to 10 years, of course you can activate the auto renew feature Domain renewal.

You can modify and purchase hosting or any other service before proceeding to fill in the information and purchase the domain.
After completing, press confirm order.

Now please fill in the login information for your account and if you do not have it, the registration process is simple, the user name, the password and then rewrite it, the name, the family name and the e-mail then press the creat account & contenue.

And now we are going to the page to fill in the personal information and the payment method, we prefer buying through the Paypal account because of the protection it provides.

– Now write your own address.
– On the order page, we click on chek out with paypal.
– We will be transferred to our Paypal account.
– Choose to pay by paypal and press contenu.
– Now our application will be processed.

Congratulations, the domain has been successfully booked.

Of course, of course you should start designing your site. We invite you to follow our articles and videos. Where we will provide you with detailed explanations.

By this we have reached the end of the article, we invite you to support us and subscribe to our channel and our social page from the links that you will find at the bottom of the video to always get the latest information and exclusives

If you want more information, see the following suggested videos and articles:

– How to create a professional blog or site with very simple steps and profit from it

– How to use email marketing

Q&A on the name Ship

Is hosting a good name?
Of course, hosting a good host is part of the services that you provide compared to the prices of companies that offer the same level of hosting and additions and technical support such as hosting any beige, for example. But keep hosting for startups or small sites. If your site is still in the beginning and you are looking to reduce costs as a start so that you can truly compete, I advise you to buy Namecheap hosting.

What is the Namecheap hosting control panel type?
Namecheap provides hosting with a Cpanel control panel that features Arabic language provision and support

Is it possible to upload more than one site on the same hosting?
Yes, it is great to host Nameship, the ability to upload 3 sites to the same hosting in the first package. As for the rest of the packages, you can upload an unlimited number of sites.

What is the minimum period that can be bought in  NameCheap?
Hosting Name Ship provides the possibility of monthly payment where you can buy only one month or more, but the monthly payment system in Name Cheap is a little more expensive than the annual payment.

Is hosting a fast ship with WordPress sites?
Name Cheap hosting is good with WordPress, but it is not the best you can rely on only in the beginning, and then try to upgrade to WordPress hosting from well-known companies.