Praise be to Allah.

 Today we will explain the best and easiest way to create a site or blog in detail, through how to bring traffic to reach more than 10,000 visitors and profit more than $ 1000 per month.

First, we’ll show you some of the site-statistics shown on the same steps we’ll explain,
Of course money will not fall from the sky and we will make sure to give you all the information and means necessary to shorten the time and money.

We do not recommend free hosting if you intend to host your latest project (blog/website/store), but sometimes you may want to publish your own script or side-site for personal purposes, here you may only want to use free hosting that meets the purpose relatively.
– To save you from the suffering of search and registration in sites that may not benefit anything, we prepared for you this article for the best hosting you can use ^_^ With the best discount can be found.

Don’t forget to share them with your friends to benefit as well.

Recommended by WordPress®.
Free Domain Name + 30day Money-Back Guarantee
24/7 WordPress Support
Free SSL
Enhanced cPanel
1-Click WordPress Install

We have built our website in 4 very simple steps

Before you start, we do not recommend you to choose free hosting because most of them are scamming you and trading with your information, and it may even be up to “Judicial proceedings”.

The four steps :
– Find a powerful hosting with excellent support with a good domain name – In this article we will talk on ‘how to get a free domain.
– Create and design the site in very simple steps – We will give you the best tools for it.
– Write good content – using tools to create keywords that Google’s algorithm likes.
– Put the site in the net and increase traffic on Google AdWords/ Facebook/ Instagram..etc.

Choose the “Plan” that suits your capital and we recommend that you use the cheapest start-up plan for several reasons, including:

– The price is convenient to start a project.
– Reducing financial risks.

Step 1: Register at a good discount web hosting site

We recommend you to use the same hosting that we are working on and is one of the best hosting, this hosting is good in terms of: price, speed, technical support and others …
First of all, we recommend that you choose the cheapest plan, especially if this is your first experience working on the net.
You can read the contents of your plan and other information in the description.

– Here you can choose your own domain name or buy OR use a Free domain offered by BlueHost, if you have a problem choosing a name that suits your niche (domain name), you should use ““, This site will enable you to choose the best name for the site available on the Internet.

Note: Choose the domain name carefully because you cannot change it later. This is why we recommend choosing an easy-to-speak name that customers and (readers) can remember.

After selecting the appropriate and available domain name (it will appear in green as in the picture).
We will go to the registration page to fill out the registration and payment methods but remember that we want to get the hosting at the lowest possible price, so:
– Please fill in the fields with the correct information as required in the picture below.
– You can choose the duration of the plan and since we want the lowest price we will choose one year plan only.
– You can reduce the price more by : cutting out the additions you dont want like bluehostSEO tools.

Choose your payment method:
Using PayPal or bank cards

Now, congratulations, the hosting and the domain was bought for only $60

Step Two: Install WordPress to modify on your website

(One of the features of BlueHost site is that it provides you the “site is coming soon” page until you complet the preparation of your website and then launched on the net).
After activating the account and logging in to your account at BlueHost, we will modify the website using WordPress platform (another feature of BoostHost is that he automatically installs WordPress for you without any work …If not (There is an unknown error / you delete it), you can fix it & install it in just 10 seconds.

If you do not find the WordPress button, we recommend that you follow the steps below and install the plugin in 10 seconds

Now you can download WordPress plugin with just one click

Now we will choose our theme (here you can use the free theme instead of buying, and this to reduce costs)
(We recommend you to modify the website as a first step especially in the name of the site and about it section).

Click “Add New” and choose the theme that suits you best…

The Best 4 themes and high conversion templates for WordPress 2020, For more explanation Read the following article:

– There are hundreds of themes you can choose the best for you in terms of design and others.
– You can modify it later (you can modify the colors / lines of writing / logo and others).

You can easily manipulate the design of the website, protect and accelerate by installation of some of the plugin used by major sites For more explanation Read the following article:

Step 3: Write your own content (good content)

And here comes your role in creativity, create articles that attract the audience (using the plugin we talked about earlier), as well as use good quality images …

The 4 step: put the website on the net and bring traffic

Use the social media platforms that are right for you and learn how to do advertising campaigns to bring traffic that you will make money from.
But remember that content should always be useful and not fraudulent.
– Use Facebook groups .
– Make a mailing list to promote (email_list) … We recommend you to read this article:

The last word :
We hope that we have provided all the necessary information to start working on the net, we wish and pray to God to help you in your work and why not to become a famous website owner.
Remember that learning is part of the work and the methods of work are many and varied, we will try our best to provide the right information for you and in the best possible way.

All articles at your disposal will be adapted to new policies and innovative ways of working, so stay tuned for updates.​